Tips to Remember When Setting Boundaries
When you say yes to other people you are really saying no to yourself. That is an important line to remember. Boundaries are not for other people they are for you, they are your protection. People will drain you if you let them and it is up to you to create the lines that people cannot cross. When you lack boundaries it give people the opportunity to disrespect and take advantage of your time, do not let them. Be clear about what you will or will not tolerate and stick to it as a matter of self preservation.
When creating boundaries remember….
You do not always have to be the hero. Someone times it is okay to sit back and allow others to fix their own problems. Often times we drown trying to save others , but it is okay to save yourself.
You are allowed to say no without an explanation. No is a complete sentence. You do not owe anyone a reason why you are unavailable.
Boundaries are not for other people they are for you.
When you are setting your boundaries be clear and assertive. People need to know where the line is in order not to cross it.
It is important to remind people EVERY time they cross your boundaries, if you never reinforce it how will they stick?
Setting boundaries is not always easy, but essential for growth, and wellbeing. The sooner you set your boundaries the easier it will be to rebuild your life and move on from whatever is holding you back.